Update – Proof of Life

Greetings everyone!

I’m sure most of you have noticed things have been a little quiet lately and I do apologize for that. My absence has an explanation, though…

I’m on my honeymoon!

While I try to take as little time off as possible over the year, I’m hoping you all can forgive me for this one. It’s been a pretty amazing adventure with Mrs. Westane and I’ll be back in the office in just over a week from now.

As for The Company, work is still being done in my absence, and an end-of-April release is still expected, though it could possibly creep into the first week of May depending on how much of an impact this trip ends up having on my body. Either way, I plan to hit the ground running upon my return.

Until then, thank you all for your patience, and while I’m excited to get back to the smut mines, I’m going to enjoy recharging with the wife!

3 Comments on “Update – Proof of Life

  1. congratulations! Have you considered using the Dall E API? Maybe this would help generate image based on text, allowing for dynamic stories

  2. Congratulations! Take all the time you need and enjoy yourself and your partner! There’s just one life and we need to enjoy it as much as possible!

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